Advertising Opportunities
AGT accepts classified job advertising for :
- Posting on Jobline page of the web site; Online postings are also included in the monthly e-news blast to members.
- E-blast to AGT members
- For publication in JAGT (Journal of the Association of Genetic Technologists)
- For publication in AGT e-news only – monthly blast to members
Advertisements submitted for posting on the website or as an e-blast are generally completed within approximately 48 hours of acknowledged receipt. If logos are to be used on the posting, they must be submitted in GIF, PNG, or JPG format. Logos and text must be submitted via e-mail.
Advertisements submitted for publication in the Journal of the Association of Genetic Technologists (JAGT) must be submitted by the deadline date for the requested issue and adhere to the mechanical requirements outlined on the insertion order form.
To place your order for advertising, please complete the appropriate form below and submit to us via email.