The AGT Molecular Biology Techniques Review Guide


The Association of Genetic Technologists’ Molecular Biology Techniques Review-guide was written by a technologist for technologists studying for a credentialing examination in molecular biology.

Note: This item in a secured electronic format (pdf) provided as a downloadable link.

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The Association of Genetic Technologists’ Molecular Biology Techniques Review-guide written by a technologist for technologists studying for a credentialing examination in molecular biology. The study guide presents experimental theories, specimen requirements, quality control procedures, troubleshooting techniques and self-assessment questions for molecular biology techniques used in full-service laboratories. Techniques outlined include sample collection, nucleic acid isolation, nucleic acid manipulations (restriction enzyme digestions, cloning, labeling), electrophoresis, amplification and blotting techniques, sequencing, summarizing and reporting results, and laboratory practice. The study guide was published in 2007 and concludes with an ample list of references.

This is a valuable and helpful resource for any technologist and has received high praise for its effectiveness in reviewing the content on the credentialing examination.

Note: This item in a secured electronic format (pdf) provided as a downloadable link.