AGT sent out a survey in December asking members to respond with thoughts regarding an Association name change.


The Association of Genetic Technologists (AGT) was founded in 1975 as the Association of Cytogenetic Technologists (ACT). In 1996, Cytogenetic was changed to Genetic to reflect changes occurring in the field of genetics. Later the tag line, The Organization for Cytogenetic & Molecular Professionals, was added.
As the field of genetics continues to evolve and nomenclature trends shift, AGT is considering a change to coincide with its 50th anniversary in 2025.  As this is your organization, the AGT Board of Directors is asking for your input. This initial survey will be used to collect information and generate potential options. A follow up vote will be used to finalize any changes. Please take the time to provide us with your input regarding your Association.
Please select the response that best reflects your thoughts regarding a name change.
– It is about time.
– I am a strong maybe.
– There is no need for change.
– I just don’t care
What should our new name be?
Please provide thoughts you have regarding an association name change.
Tell us a little bit about yourself and your involvement in AGT.
– How long have you been a member?
– What is your primary area of genetics?
– Have you ever served on the Board of Directors, Council of Representatives, or as a committee member?
Responses received: 65
Results: Inconclusive
Additional Information Based on Survey Comments: AGT is considering a name change based on nomenclature shifts in the field of laboratory science. The name change is not due to the 50th Anniversary but instead would conveniently coincide with this milestone. In the past few years, we have seen a shift from Medical Technologist to Medical Laboratory Scientist and from Cytotechnologist to Cytologist. The laboratory field is moving away from technologist focused nomenclature to ensure recognition of expertise that laboratorians provide to healthcare. The nomenclature shift coincides with an expanded scope of practice for laboratorians.
Next Steps:

AGT would like to thank all of the members that took the time to respond with their thoughts, suggestions, and questions. However, the Executive Committee would like to hear from more of you before making a recommendation to the Board. IN the coming months, look for more opportunities to share your thoughts on this topic. This is your organization and the committee is not taking this decision lightly. Please feel free to message us anytime,, with your input or direct inquiry about this consideration. Thank you all for your support of AGT as we work to make 2024 a great year with exciting educational opportunities.