Follow these 5 simple steps to

Celebrate Medical Laboratory Professionals Week (MLPW) with AGT


  1. Submit a shirt design highlighting the medical laboratory profession
  2. Vote on submission options
  3. Order your shirt or other product displaying the winning design
  4. Wear your shirt or display your item during MLPW
  5. Capture and share on AGT’s social media pages using #2024MLPW


Submit Design March 15
Vote March 18-22
Order Items March 27-April 5
Display Items & Celebrate April 14-20
Capture & Share Anytime


Contest Submission Requirements:

  • The design submission is open to all medial laboratory professionals.
  • Voting is open to all current AGT members.
  • Order early to ensure delivery before MLPW on April 11-20. 2024.
  • The winner will be announced on March 25.
  • The winner will receive an item containing their custom design.
Submit Design


Design Submission Details:

Please submit two files. 1) Word document with your name, laboratory, any team member names, email contact, and submission file name. 2) Design submission following the requirements below.

Requirements for your pixel design

  • PNG, JPG, BMP or GIF file format.
  • Maximum file size 10 MB.
  • Image resolution at least 200 dpi.
  • Maximum size 4000 x 4000 pixels.
  • Design is isolated.


Share: #2024MLPW