What We Do

Mission Statement

The mission of the Association of Genetic Technologists is to provide to our membership, and the broader genetics community, quality services that enhance recognition of our profession and serve the public health and welfare.


I. To conduct Association affairs in a responsible manner.

II. To provide quality and relevant services to our membership.

III. To establish and maintain an effective presence in the genetics and laboratory science communities.

IV. To be active participants in the provision of quality health care.

Goals & Objectives

To provide for the membership fair and effective representation in the leadership of the Association.

  • Conduct a nomination process consistent with the bylaws and in the best interest of the membership.

To provide appropriate and timely review of Association fiscal affairs.

  • Prepare financial reports consistent with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).
  • Establish and monitor a sound investment plan.

To provide publications that foster communication among members and provide a forum for the reporting of scientific and technical information.

  • Produce and distribute four issues of the Journal of the Association of Genetic Technologists each year.
  • Provide peer review of manuscripts submitted for publication.
  • Provide an AGT International Membership Directory on the web site.
  • Provide a comprehensive and updated AGT Manual

To identify and establish communication with other organizations (or entities) with which we share a professional interest.

  • Appoint and support representatives to appropriate organizations and agencies.
  • Develop global alliances which establish avenues for active exchange of information.

To function (or act) as an advocate for Association members in matters relevant to the laboratory sciences.

  • Monitor regulatory affairs, at both state and federal levels, which have potential impact on our membership and / or discipline.

To promulgate guidelines for professional conduct and performance.

To provide educational opportunities.

  • Provide an annual scientific meeting.
  • Provide continuing education activities.

To recruit and retain members and participating laboratories.

  • To increase membership
  • To retain members

To promote genetics as a profession.

  • Stimulate interest among potential technologists.
  • Increase recognition of genetics as a valuable part of the health care process.
  • Provide genetic technologists a means of sharing their views on issues of concern.

To promote and actively participate in the certification process.

  • Actively support the Board of Certification.

To promote and actively participate in the program accreditation process for genetic technology education programs.

  • Actively support National Accreditation Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences.
  • Encourage genetic technology education programs.