Continuing Education Program - for CE Providers
Interested in providing continuing education (CE) credits for an upcoming event?
Submit a program approval application to AGT.
Fee: $300 per event
- Answer all application questions as completely and accurately as possible.
- Submit completed application.
- Pay required dues.
- Your application will be reviewed by the AGT Education Director. Upon approval, you will be notified with approved credits for your program and receive all follow up instructions, such as evaluation forms, roster form, and certificate templates. If your application is not approved as submitted, the Education Director will reach out directly for clarification and edits. If the program cannot be approved, 75% of the payment will be refunded.
The Association of Genetic Technologists (AGT) is an approved agency for the states of California and Florida. All approved continuing education contact/credit hours are valid for American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) Continuing Maintainance Program (CMP), as well as California license renewal. Florida license usage is only valid for programs that are sponsored or co-sponsored by AGT. These states have very strict criteria for regulating approved continuing education programs.